ARI #: 31845823
Birthdate: 10/13/2008
Color: Light Brown
Fiber: 6 months: 19.6 microns, 17 months: 20.5 microns

Sire: AW Magic
Dam: AW Peruvian Peaches ‘n Cream

Price: $3,500

Alpaca Description

Son of AW Magic, Aladdin displays all the characteristics of his sire’s fleece; soft & buttery. His density is amazing! Out of a black sire, he has the capacity to throw black to his offspring. This makes him a great sire for those black females that need more density & fineness.

His sire, AW Magic, is an exceptional male. Few alpacas of any color can match his fiber, architecture and handle – and he is a true black. Once you feel his fiber, you will understand his true magic!

Magic’s show career is stellar! In 2006 he earned 3 Halter Championships: Maryland Alpaca show (30 entries – Jill Mac Leod), North American Alpaca Show (76 entries – Jude Anderson) and MAPACA (79 entries – Amanda Vanden Bosch). Magic earned these Championships over some of the most competitive blacks males on the East coast – STF Jetson, PH Navigator’s Commander and CCNF Cameron. Magic continued his banner quest with 3 Fleece Championships during 2006 and 2007.

Magic’s offspring are proving him to be an exceptional herdsire. By the spring of 2010, he already had 3 champion offspring out of the 17 old enough to show. Champion Offspring: Reserve Champion AW Aladdin.

Aladdin has started to breed with his first cria born Fall 2012.